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Responsible for the use and representation of the pictures and graphics also particularly for the contents of the web site www.logflex.de is the company:

Logflex GmbH — Internationale Spedition & Logistik

Reza Shahnavaz
Marcell Micocci

Werner-Heisenberg-Str. 1
34123 Kassel

Phone. : +49 (0) 561 - 861859 - 0
Fax : +49 (0) 561 - 861859 - 10
E-Mail : info@logflex.de
Trade register : HRB 14257 / county court Kassel
VAT ID-No. : DE252201567

Conception and realization of this Website:

  limicom.de / Kassel

Text and translation:

  machtext.de / Kassel

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