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German Freight Forwarders' General Terms & Conditions (ADSp)

All business undertaken is subject to the German Freight Forwarders' General Terms & Conditions (ADSp) or, in as far as these do not apply, to the German General Terms & Conditions of Logistics Services Providers (Logistik-AGB). Either general terms apply in their latest edition which can be downloaded from www.logflex.de. In accordance with these general terms, our liability is generally limited to the following maximum amounts: (a) according to ADSp: to € 5/kg for damages to goods, to SDR 2/kg for multimodal carriage if also by sea, in any case to € 1 million in aggregate; Section 27 ADSp shall not apply to transports which are subject to the Monteral Convention; (b) according to Logistik-AGB: to € 20,000 per claim or € 100,000 per serial damage, in any case to € 500,000 p.a. in aggregate.

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