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.Sea & air freight

Just in time sea and air freight. This is service from Logflex. With Logflex your goods move around the world and arrive just in time. Everywhere, no matter if your destination is a tiny market in South America or a central market in Asia.

We are transporting your containers to and from all of the great European harbours like Rotterdam, Hamburg, Bremerhaven. What about custom and things like certificates of clearance? This is our job. You have to do nothing, just relax.

You want it fast? Let`s go air freight. Logflex delivers freight in every corner of the world. Tell us where you want your freight to go and we are doing the rest. Just as you know it from our sea freight service. In focus: low costs and adherence to delivery dates. Use the cost advantage. Call or write an email. We enjoy your challenge.

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